“The objective of the project is to create an interaction allowing an effective synergy by federating the industrial and scientific forces of the technologies necessary for the deployment of vacuum transport, on the surface or underground. The long-term objective is to become a reference center in Switzerland and to be the scientific interlocutor in the field of innovative transport.”

Interdisciplinary Research Group on Innovative Transport Projects


“Vacuum transport technology offers new opportunities for enhancing public passenger transport. However, it is likely that hyperloops or other systems based on this technological approach and currently developed in several countries will not adequately meet the transportation needs of Switzerland, even if these needs could be similar to those of several regions in the world. The development of a new transport system, today based on these technologies, is more than ever feasible and remains relevant if it is defined in an adequate way.
In this context, GRIPIT has set itself the mission of setting up tools and methodologies to design innovative transport systems on an interdisciplinary basis and more particularly partial vacuum transport. The Engineering and Architecture domain of the HES-SO supports the activities of this group and a grant of CHF 1.5 Mio has been obtained for a duration of 3 years to allow the research group to focus its research on the two axes presented below:

• Axis 1: Multidisciplinary system model for engineering design. This axis aims at designing meta-models of socio-politico-economic
and mobility requirements of transportation and system integration.

• Axis 2: Technical design
In parallel to this development, the study of concrete solutions applied to three “typical” scenarios will be undertaken. This full-scale
pre-dimensioning will allow the use of the multidimensional model and will lead to the dimensioning of the characteristic quantities
of the system (capacity, speed, etc.).

This project is carried out in the framework of the collaboration with the Eurotube foundation,  for which the HES-SO is a privileged



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