Elina Hovakimyan, MA in Global Studies

The University of Lucerne is a relatively new and small university. One advantage compared to other universities is that the professors have more time for each student. Also, I found that the University of Lucerne has a lot of special integrated programs that I didn’t see at other universities.


My Story


What made you choose to study at the University of Lucerne?

For my bachelor degree, I studied International Relations with a focus on Switzerland (history, culture, literature, political system etc) at the Russian State University for Humanities in Moscow. Since I already had a good command of German and my focus was on Switzerland, I always knew that I wanted to study there. Fortunately, in 2017 I was invited to a conference at the University of Lucerne on “Ethics in a global context”. I spent about three weeks in Switzerland and had enough time to get to know the country and the University of Lucerne. I found the master’s program “World Politics and World Society” (Global studies) very exciting, as it combines a lot of fields.

What do you/did you particularly like about your programme of study?

What I like most about my program is that I have a lot of freedom of choice. Even though I am a law and political science major, I still have the opportunity to take classes in history and philosophy without having to change my major or minor.

What makes the University of Lucerne special/different in your view?

The University of Lucerne is a relatively new and small university. One advantage compared to other universities is that the professors have more time for each student. Also, I found that the University of Lucerne has a lot of special integrated programs that I didn’t see at other universities. This was also one of the reasons why I applied for my master’s program at the University of Lucerne.

What will you miss most about the university once you finish your studies?

What I will miss most is the amazing view of the lake from the library. Other than that, I will miss the student life here and having lunch or coffee breaks with friends, especially in the spring semester when you can have coffee or a meal right by the lake.


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